Easy Ways to Use Dua for Convincing Parents

Maulana Ji
4 min readJun 6, 2024


Dua for convincing parents

This is even true in the decisions of life, such as relationship, career, or important decisions of life, one may feel hard in persuading his or her parents. But it is possible for the rulers to make the right dua (prayers or supplications) in making their hearts and minds soft. Here are some powerful Islamic duas you can recite to convince your parents more easily:Here are some powerful Islamic duas you can recite to convince your parents more easily:

How to Perform Dua for Convincing Parents

This invocation was taken from the phrase “Rabbi inni lima anzalta ilayya min khairin faqir” which in English means “O my Lord!” Amen, for truly, I am in need of any blessing that You bestow upon me! (Quran 28:24). When parents give you a hard time, reciting this dua can make a lot of sense because it appeals to Allah to guide you to good things in life as per His will and, therefore, change your parents’ mind.

O My Lord, sustain me and provide me with the means for establishing the prayer and be procreating offspring. Rabbana wataqabbal du‘aa — my Lord, accept my prayers and from among my generations as well. Oh Lord and receive my request. (Quran 14:40). This verse blesses Allah upon you and all future generations which are to emanate from you. It makes parents comfortable about your faith and helps them trust that you are a genuine believer.

Step-by-Step Guide: Dua for Convincing Parents

May He grant me wisdom to make the right judgments and associate me with the righteous. O Lord, let my word be truthful and sincere in the presence of my people in the end; and include me among those people of Your progeny who have been granted the Paradise of Naeem. Bestow wisdom on me, and join me with the righteous; Grant me a reputation of truthfulness among later generations;

And make me one of the inheritors of the Garden of Bliss (Quran 26: As Horton and Tucker (1983, pp. 83–85) noted, this is not because they are unable to grasp the concept of profit, but because they lack the power to control profits, wages, and prices. These verses seek Allah’s guidance, for you to be righteous, truthful, and for you to be in Paradise in the future. They can remind parents that you are and will remain a truthful and dependable person.

In addition to these, reading Surah Yusuf particularly the ayat 5–6 also helps to convince parents more easily about appropriate marriage proposals since the verse seeks to seek blessings of Allah to protect ones modesty. Here is the transliteration:

Rab kadha yaf’aluka rabbuka wa yu’allimuka min ta’weeli al-ahadeethi wa yutimmu ni’matahu ‘alaika wa ‘ala ali ya’quba kamaa atammahaa ‘alaa abawaika min qablu Ibraheema wa Is-haaq, inna rabbaka ‘aleemun hakeem — And your Your Lord, Most Knowing, Most Wise.

Easy Ways to Use Dua for Convincing Parents

Your Lord will explain to you the message of these events, and complete the blessings for you and the house of Ya‘qub, as he has done for your forefathers Ibrahim and Ishaaq beforehand. He will indeed succeed who purifies it [his soul], and verily failure is for him who stultifies it [his soul].

Lastly, these general prayers can also help in convincing parents about any matter:Lastly, these general prayers can also help in convincing parents about any matter:

- She has fed me and has not made my heart hard after it had found compassion in me and granted me from Your bounty a mercy, indeed You are the most Generous. Cause me to be devoted in knowledge and do not let my soul follow You after You have guided me, and grant me your mercy from You, for You are the most generous of all givers.

- O Lord! For what You have bestowed on me from Your bounty, I am indeed a poor fellow — Rabbu inni lima anzalta ilayya min khayrin faqir. Nay! I am in need of whatever good that comes to me through You!

- O Allah, be to my support and help — Allahumma kun li waliyyan wa nasira. Oh! be with me as my guardian and helper.

The aim is to turn to Allah with a pure heart and if you want these verses or similar supplications to be answered then do so with hope and perseverance and then talk to your parents politely about your needs or circumstances.

Please do bear in mind that convincing parents is never easy, and may need some amount of wisdom, diplomacy and occasionally, patience. Therefore, ask for favor, state your pleas and arguments, yet also embrace their concerned advice, especially if grounded in Shariah. Depend on Allah and His decree, for many a time he has made that which is more suitable for us.

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Maulana Ji

Maulana Ji has 15 plus years of experience in Dua, Wazifa, Istikhara, Tabiz and Islamic ilm. For Free Consultation Please Visit https://www.onlinemaulana.com/