Effective Dua for Convincing Parents for Love Marriage

Maulana Ji
5 min readJun 6, 2024


Parents are very important in our life, especially in matters concerning marriage, they are our authority figure and hence it is hard to convince them to agree on a love marriage.

It is often very stressful and even heartbreaking when you have fallen in love and want to marry a certain person but your parents are against you or they are refusing to give their consent. It goes without saying that most parents have good intentions in their heart for their child and become sensitive about their son’s or daughter’s partner. But that doesn’t make it any easier when you are very certain that this partner you’ve chosen is right for you. At such moments, all one can do is make genuine calls to Allah seeking assistance by praying to him.

Understanding Your Parents’ Concerns

Even as it may be hard for you to comprehend, I wish you would trust your parents’ way of thinking. It may thus be important to embrace such rejection as stemming from care and concern for your welfare instead of animosity. Common reasons parents oppose love marriages include:Common reasons parents oppose love marriages include:

- Ignorance of choice being contaminated by emotion not reason

- When it comes to choosing a partner, questions and doubts regarding compatibility in terms of cultural similarities, origin and religion arise.

- Concerns that this kind of relationship cannot be maintained forever

- In our culture it is common for people to doubt the character or sincerity of the boy/girl and their family.

- In this case, people fear that they will lose face should the later part fail or they are not able to pay back the borrowed money.

If you try to make your parents reason with you, and explain why you have to go out alone, that you are big enough to handle the situation and do not get angry or rebellious, this technique may work slowly.

Sincere Dua and Sabr

Besides kind appeal to parents’ reason, having known that they do not want to listen, turn to Allah in prayer and ask Him for help in changing the decision. Express your deepest feelings, state your total dependence on Allah’S grace and discretion, and pray for what is good for you and all other people in the after life.

Believe firmly in Allah remembering that He is always hearing those who call unto Him from their inner-most soul. He can alter the minds of your parents or provide other right ways your marriage fantasies could materialize if it is his wish. In addition to dua for convincing parents, the other pillars include sabr and tawakkul where one needs to be patient and trust Allah’s decisions. Continue to make dua, but when asking your parents for permission, if you receive a ‘no’ right away, accept the answer of your parents.

Dua to influence parents is a powerful dua for Muslim parents that help them to convince their parents.

Some specific duas taught by the Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم that you can say for convincing parents include:Some specific duas taught by the Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم that you can say for convincing parents include:

Oh Lord, grant us good in this world and good in the afterlife, and save us from the torment of Hell.
Our Lord! We ask You for the good things of this life and for the good things of that which is to come, and save us from the chastisement of the fire. (Quran 2:201)

Thus, I was treated like a small rabbity animal, as one would rabbity treat another rabbity ham huma as if rabbity they were rabbity rabbity rabbity rabbity rabbity rabbity rabbity rabbity rabbity rabbity rabbity rabbity rabbity rabbity rabbity rabbity rabbity rabbity rabb
Dear God, please bless them as they were the ones that helped to raise me during my early years. (Quran 17:24)

O Allaah, forgive me and my parents and have mercy on them, as they reared me when I was young.
O Allah, let me and my parents be from among those who are forgiven and have mercy on them for they took care of me when I was little.

Rabbi inni limaa anzalta ilayya min khayrin faqeer<|reserved_special_token_264|>.
My Lord, indeed I am, for whatever boon You would bestow on me, in quest. (Quran 28:24)

Besides the above, do not forget to offer sincere dua when you will be talking to Allah and when you will be pleading with Him to help change your parents hearts and help them accept your decision of marrying the partner of your choice. Ask Allah to make it that the two families meet and if that is the best then to make them fall in love.

Other Productive Steps

However, in addition to dua and patience, there are few obvious steps that should be taken to persuade your parents through adult behavior. These include:

- Introducing them as potential husband/wife to enable the two of you make your own judgment about each other.

- Pointing out the noble traits of the partner you have picked and the compatibility factor between you and your partner

- This is due to the fact that one cannot afford their parents time to fuss over it and be aggressive.

- Reporting to other elders/people your parents trust and seek their intervention to reason with you nicely

- If proper planning, it is possible to consider reapproach after a person has achieved his or her education/career objectives thus creating some form of stability.

Lastly, avoid useless confrontation. Continuing to bring up the idea after a firm negative reaction from the parents may create more conflict and reduce trust. Seek Allah’s goodwill and permission for your actions genuinely, bear with the answer eagerly, but at the same time, there is always a time when one can seek the permission from Allah, let’s say, for some time. Custodianship ruins family relationships because of the insistence of marriage, and this will affect her in the future.

Blessings in Trusting in Allah’s Time and Omniscience

Although it could be quite comforting to have parents approve your partner of choice, do not despair over the fact that Allah is the ultimate decider. Humility, courtesy and courtesy will bring even the most hardened he minister to his knees in due course. Nevertheless, finally, destiny will be accomplished anyway if Allah wants it for you or not. This means that whatever God has destined for you will surely find you. Go on, pray, work then let Allah take over for the best result for the best planner is Allah.

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Maulana Ji

Maulana Ji has 15 plus years of experience in Dua, Wazifa, Istikhara, Tabiz and Islamic ilm. For Free Consultation Please Visit https://www.onlinemaulana.com/