How to Perform Darood-e-Tanjeena Wazifa for Hajat

Maulana Ji
4 min readJun 3, 2024


Darood e tanjeena wazifa for hajat

Darood e tanjeena is a prayer for help which is specifically used for making supplication or for the fulfillment of one’s needs and wishes (hajat). It says amen, o Lord God, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad. This soul can be used for invoking blessings or seeking help from Allah as it is believed to have a powerful effect on prayers.

In this coming segment, the reader will be informed of the significance and usage of darood e tanjeena, the manner in which it is chanted and how it can be employed in particular for hajat.

The term Darood e Tanjeena basically refers to a formula of invocation that brings together the name of Allah, expressed by repeating the phrase ‘Allah’ or ‘Ya Allah’ several times and the intention of the prayer which can be the name of the person on whose behalf the prayer is being made.
Darood e tanjeena is the Arabic phrase for ‘the prayer for glorification’.

It is a unique form of sending blessings of peace upon the Prophet PBUH and his family. The name “Tanjeena” has a meaning to praise, celebrate or esteem a person highly. The believer here is performing an act of worshipping Allah and showing respect to the Prophet and his family by reciting this darood and seeking blessing upon them.

The full darood e tanjeena prayer is:The full darood e tanjeena prayer is:

O Allah, send your blessings on Muhammad and on the family of Muhammad and protect them from all ill-health and misfortune and deliver us all from all sickness and misfortune through their intercession.

O Allah, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad and take us out from all sickness and affliction and distress and trial, and make all our needs easy for us.

Tanjima Darood is a special prayer in Islamic culture that is recited to fulfill a certain need or to seek help in a desperate situation.
To properly recite the darood e tanjeena:

- If possible, perform wudhu (the act of washing one’s face, hands, arms, and feet)
- Pray facing the Kaaba (in Makkah).
- It is advisable to say darood e tanjeena at least 100 times, but if one could repeat it 300 times then that would be even better
- After everyone has completed the recitation, recite the blessings to the Prophet Muhammad
- Ask Allah for something in particular or personal needs known as hajat

It is recommended to perform this specific darood and to ask Allah for one’s needs a specific number of times, ideally three times or seven times, depending on the traditional teachings. This darood should be recited daily to have its benefits for as long as one’s prayers are not answered.

Reciting Darood e Tanjeena for Hawtal events
One must know that the darood e tanjeena is solely chanted to seek Allah for one’s hajat which means needs. This means any legal and proper need — this could be for spouse or children, food, shelter, work, health, money, pardon, or getting out of a fix.

To use it for one’s hajat:

1. This means that you should be very clear and precise when determining what it is you want as well as what you need from Allah.

2. First, let the wudhu, second, be in front of the qibla and get ready for the prayer with your mind and body.

3. Pray darood e tanjeena at least hundred times but it is better to practice it at least 300 times. Focus on the meanings as you recite and make blessings upon the Prophet and his descendants.

4. After you have said the darood, then you could prayerfully address the almighty Allah seeking your specific hajat or needs. Consider your supplication to Allah as being done with no arrogance or shame, and with a spirit of expectation.

5. If you do not get the hajat within the days specified then do continue to reciting the darood e tanjeena and if needs be, until forty days. Do not despair of Allah and His mercy.

6. When you have made your dua, accept the response of Allah and start showering blessings on the Prophet as a gesture of thanking Allah.

Conclusion About Darood e tanjeena wazifa for hajat

Darood e Tanjeena is another prayer which is made for requesting Allah anything from the human being. Its efficacy and benediction stem from the fact that it directly beseeches Allah’s mercy through the uttering of blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad.

When it is said every day with passion and intention, focus on the words and their meaning, and when one asks for their special needs from Allah, it is a very powerful way of getting ones prayers answered. As the Prophet promised: “If any person recites darood [in praise of the Prophet Muhammad] on me, Allah fulfills his hajat and answers his dua.”

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Maulana Ji

Maulana Ji has 15 plus years of experience in Dua, Wazifa, Istikhara, Tabiz and Islamic ilm. For Free Consultation Please Visit