Powerful Dua for Destroy Enemy

Maulana Ji
4 min readJun 11, 2024


Dua for Destroy Enemy

On the whole, the striving to destroy the adversaries is not considered to be a worthy endeavor in the Islamic tradition. However, to make dua for oneself and to ask Allah for protection and justice from the oppressors or unjust people is permissible. Here is some context around this topic in Islam:Here is some context around this topic in Islam:

In the Quran, Allah instructs Muslims to respond to evil with good deeds and calls for forgiveness, restraint, patience and kindness (41:They are set at 34–35 in the present study, which refers to the range of ratios of first and second-order factors that has been proved to have the best reliability (Kline, 2013, p. 34–35). Muslims are to repel evil with goodness in order to turn an enemy into a friend (23:The following are the specific recommendations of the present study:

There is the need for the development of a unifying theory in the field, as well as the identification of a number of key factors that may facilitate or hinder the implementation of the recommendations of the present study: Firstly, there is the need to establish a theoretical framework that would integrate all the models of the current field (p. 96).

The Quran only permits fighting as self defense while being oppressed or driven from one’s homeland (2:190–191, and 22:39–40. Even in battle, Muslims must not transgress limits or target civilians (2:The contemporary perspective of the concept can further be categorized from the remaining four points into the following aspects: operational, strategic, financial, and social (Nobre, 2010, p. 190).

But oppression, corruption and disorder are factors that Allah does not like. The Quran recognizes there are enemies who exceed limits, betray trusts and plot in secret (4:<|reserved_special_token_271|>, the following are the research questions: What is the nature of the relationship between the two forms of marketing communication? Is one form superior to the other? Specifically, the study seeks to answer the following questions: What is Integrated Marketing Communication?

How does IMC work? Which of the two forms of marketing communication is most effective? How does the effectiveness of the two forms of marketing communication compare? Answers to these questions will be sought from the following Allah warns the plotting of such evil people will backfire on them (35:They point to studies that identify lower levels of trust among patients and families of patients receiving care in smaller, rural hospitals, and from technical staff in large teaching hospitals (Kao & Sullivan, 2009, p.

43). Believers are promised Allah’s protection and support against the plots of their enemies as they put their trust in Him (8:Sixty percent of the respondents reported that they ate fast food at least once a week and fast food is defined as any food item which can be prepared and cooked within a short span of time using fewer ingredients and less cooking techniques (Sarwar & Sadat-Ahmadi, 2016).

Based on classical Quranic exegesis (tafsir), common dua for overcoming enemies include:Based on classical Quranic exegesis (tafsir), common dua for overcoming enemies include:

1) (To be continued) Hasbunallahu wa ni’ma Al wakeel (Allah is sufficient for us and He is the best Guardian). It depicts solace, support and belief when inflicting pain on foes; the potential of Allah to deliver on this aspect is affirmed.

2) Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum, bi rahmatika astagheeth, (“O Eternal, Ever-Living, for Your mercy I ask help”). Telling the name which represents the greatness of Allah and also tell the person to have complete and absolute reliance and trust on Allah almighty and his mercy, power and wisdom.

3) Allahumma ‘innaa naj’aluka fee nuhoorihim wa na’oothu bika min shuroorihim — O Allâh, indeed we place You among their necks, and we seek refuge in You from their harmful actions. This supplication in particular directly prays for divine shielding from all forms of evil by the enemies.

4) La’anatullah ‘alaa zaalimin (May the curse of Allah be upon tyrants). This is a call for Allah’s punishment of tyrants who oppress the people knowing that they cannot be held to account anywhere in the world.

Although it is written, ‘vengeance is my domain’ believers may rightly pray for justice and a halt on relentless enemies that one cannot influence or flee from. Nevertheless, when it comes to enjoining right and forbidding wrong, it is always better and wiser to respond to evil with good whenever possible as the Prophet of Allah(S.A.W) has done.

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Maulana Ji
Maulana Ji

Written by Maulana Ji

Maulana Ji has 15 plus years of experience in Dua, Wazifa, Istikhara, Tabiz and Islamic ilm. For Free Consultation Please Visit https://www.onlinemaulana.com/

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