Unlocking the Power of Dua for Ghaibi Madad

Maulana Ji
5 min readJun 13, 2024


Dua for Ghaibi Madad

Ghaibi madad is a state where one seeks assistances from Allah in situations where the assistances are not directly visible. They both mirror the notion that Allah is almighty and capable of coming up with help from sources one does not expect. It goes further to show that asking for ghaibi madad through dua is a display of faith and dependency on Allah’s abilities and benevolence.

It is therefore important to understand the significance of Ghaibi Madad in the framework of everyday life.

It should be noted that seeking help through ghaibi powers is an essential aspect of Islamic practices. Henceforth as Muslims we bear in mind that Allah has power over all events and nothing is hidden from him. Regardless of whether we are able to identify in what way and from whom help is needed, Allah can help through the most incredible of circumstances. In times when situations prove to be unbearable or when one is experiencing ordeals and troubles, having faith in Allah’s ghaibi madad means that there is hope in coming out of the predicament since Allah may provide a way even when one cannot see a way out.

It is important to note that through seeking ghaibi madad people show their dependence on Allah instead of the physical means only. This might be interpreted in the sense that no matter how much efforts are made in this world, success and failure are in the hands of Allah. Ghaibi madad supports one of the major Islamic principles of tawakkul or reliance on the help of Allah.

When To Go For Ghaibi Madad

Ghaibi madad can be sought in various difficult situations, such as:Ghaibi madad can be sought in various difficult situations, such as:

- Illness and healing
- Overcoming debts/poverty
- The following is a list of the self-explanatory goals: Success in exams and interviews
- This is one area of law where the courts are usually involved in the process of resolving disputes and conflicts.
- The two most important events in life that have a close relation to the result of marriage are marriage and selection of the right life partner.
- Having children
- Freeing prisoners
- Travel safety
- Employment and promotion in a career

The above are just some examples The use of both positive and negative reinforcement is also evident in various aspects of our daily lives. Permissible aid can be sought for any legal activity which a person is unable to complete or undertake due to some reason. However, to make it, it is also necessary to try to do everything oneself, rather than limiting oneself to dua.

Dua Ghaibi Madad — Best Time

There are some times in this world about which Ahadith are reported at certain times Allah listens to and accepts supplications. Seeking ghaibi madad in the following times can be very effective:Seeking ghaibi madad in the following times can be very effective:

- At nighttime, or more precisely at the last third part of the night.
- When performing the particular position of prostration or sujood in the process of salat
- Thus, the time between adhan and iqama
- On Fridays
- While fasting
- During rainfall
- The point to be noted here is that the practice of reading the Quran is particularly observed in the month of Ramadan and the last ten days of it known as Laylatul Qadr.
- When people go travelling or are on a trip.
- The following are some cases that warrant a response when one feels oppressed or treated unfairly.

Finally, incorporating dua after Quran recitation of those verses and surahs which contain mention of Allah’s abilities and blessings can help augment the effect of the dua.

This dua to help someone from Quran and Hadith is of immense importance as it is specifically for someone who is absent or not present at the time of dua.

There are some very potent dua for asking assistance from the unseen world, which has been prescribed to us by the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم in several sound hadiths. By the will of Allah, whoever memorizes these dua and recites them on a regular basis will be able to benefit from many of them.

One of the top duas for ghaibi madad is:One of the top duas for ghaibi madad is:

O Allah! None has the right to be worshipped except He, the Most Forgiving, the Most Generous, Glorified be Allah, Lord of the mighty throne, all praise belongs to Allah, Lord of the worlds I ask You for necessities of Your mercy, and sufficient of Your forgiveness and the yield from every virtuous deed, and protection from every sinful act.

“None has the right to be worshipped but Allah, the Most Forbearing, the Most Merciful; O Allah, free me from the Fire, the dreadful, the fierce; all praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds; I ask You the means of Your mercy, the immense forgiveness, the delights of all good, the shield against every sin and evil.”

This dua is very general — it recites Allah’s supreme glory and asks for the best of His blessings and for forgiveness for sins.

Another very powerful dua for ghaibi madad is:

O Allah, I have heard with Your benevolence which nothing withholds, and I beseech Your forgiveness.

“I bear witness that there is no deity other than Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His Messenger O Allah, I ask You by your mercy that covers everything for its forgiveness.”

This dua invokes Allah’s limitless rahma and asks for His forgiveness which eases the troubles of this world and the next.

However, mentioning Ayat ul Kursi, Surah Fatiha, the last verses of Surah Hashr, and Surah Yaseen can be very helpful forms of dua for ghaibi madad.

Talqin of Ghaibi Madad: Etiquettes Involved

When making dua for unseen help from Allah, one should adhere to the following etiquette:

- Be genuine in the approach and request only those items that are legal and ethical to request.
- Start off with the declaration of Allah’s sovereignty and invoking of blessings on the Prophet, صلى الله عليه وسلم
- This is acknowledging one’s faults and seeking Allah’s forgiveness for mistakes done.
- Turn the body towards the qibla direction
- Gentle hand motions, raise hands above head, palms facing outward.
- Be reassured that Allah will answer this dua in the best way possible
- Be not in a hurry to give the answer, say it over and over, and never lose patience for Allah’s response.
- Offer thanks and appreciation to Allah, when the dua has been answered

Therefore, seek help from Allah only, invite ghaibi madad from the Rabb ul ‘Aalameen. Have faith in God to acknowledge the cry of the needy and provide for the requests of His followers in the most optimal manner.

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Maulana Ji
Maulana Ji

Written by Maulana Ji

Maulana Ji has 15 plus years of experience in Dua, Wazifa, Istikhara, Tabiz and Islamic ilm. For Free Consultation Please Visit https://www.onlinemaulana.com/

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